Category A |
Status Uncommon |
Breeding status |
First Record
Last Recorded |
Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata |
Spotted Flycatchers are widespread across much Europe breeding from Morocco and the Atlantic coasts to beyond Lake Baikal. In western Europe, its stronghold in in the north of the range in Russia, Finland, Belarus and Sweden. In the UK, this species has undergone a rapid decline. Smith described this species as a 'regular and numerous summer visitant' and remarks that the population of this Afro-Palaearctic migrant varied between years. He writes 'this year, 1878, they came out in great force, especially on the lawn at Candie where they availed themselves to a large extent of the croquet-hoops, from which they kept a good lookout either for insects on the wing or the ground, and they might be as frequently seen dropping to the ground for some unfortunate creeping thing that attracted their attention as rising in the air to give chase to something on the wing.' For 1878, he astutely remarks that he did not see so many in 1866 and that 'this was probably owing to one of those accidents of wind and weather which render migratory birds generally less numerous in some years than they are in others...'. He describes them as 'perhaps being a little local in their distribution avoiding to a great extent places such as the Vale and the open ground on the cliffs, but in all the gardens and orchards it is very common'. There are few significant historical records since. The 1989-91 Guernsey Breeding Bird Survey recorded pairs breeding in 15 out of the 23 squares covered and it is likely that the number of breeding pairs has been significantly reduced since then. A dozen pairs were found in 1990 (GBN). Breeding birds are associated with areas in which tall mature trees are present. Between 1993-1998, birds have been recorded during June from Saumarez and Cambridge Parks, Talbot, Fauxquet and the Quanteraine Valleys, Le Guet, Petit Bot, Le Foulon and the Heritage Walk. At a best estimate, 10-50 pairs now breed in Guernsey but the exact number remains unclear. It is likely that some pairs will be missed in the larger gardens in the higher parishes. The loss of orchards and the introduction of Dutch Elm disease and the subsequent, almost total, loss of elms from hedgerows will have reduced the suitability of the wider countryside to this species. Populations of this species have also undergone a very large decline in Britain but not on the European continent. The reasons for this are unknown but factors in the wintering areas may be important for the British, and possibly Bailiwick, populations. Spotted Flycatchers are, however, a reasonably common migrant in the Bailiwick and a similar number of records are received in spring and autumn. Between 1993 and 1999 records were received from approximately 50 sites. However, when looking at records of birds from coastal areas it can be seen that more migrants tend to be recorded in autumn than in spring. In spring, the first returning birds are found in the last ten days of April or in the first week of May and migration continues throughout May and early June. By mid-June most of the records are presumed to be of breeding or over-summering birds. In autumn, migration starts at the beginning of August and occurs over a protracted period, peaking in the middle two weeks of September. Few birds are seen in October. On migration, birds are seen at the usual migrant spots and are regularly recorded on all the major coastal headlands, especially those with stands of coniferous trees. Birds are often seen in pines at Pleinmont, Le Guet, Icart and the Reservoir. Inland records during migration are also common and birds are regularly recorded in large gardens, parks and areas of woodland. Occasional falls can occur and many birds can occur at one site; for example, on 16-17 May 1984, 55 birds were ringed at La Fougeraie in Sark. This is exceptional but up to 10 birds can regularly occur at one site whilst on migration. |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Hommet [HOM] on 19/9/2014. Photo: © Royston Carré (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Claire Mare [CLA] on 24/9/2012. Photo: © Mike Cunningham (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Saumarez [FSA] on 31/5/2013. Photo: © Royston Carré (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Alderney [ALD] on 23/4/2015. Photo: © Wayne Turner (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Chouet [CHO] on 26/8/2021. Photo: © Rod Ferbrache (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Saumarez [FSA] on 31/5/2013. Photo: © Mike Cunningham (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pre dEnfer on 24/5/2021. Photo: © Rockdweller (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Saumarez [FSA] on 31/5/2013. Photo: © Rod Ferbrache (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 2/5/2012. Photo: © Chris Bale (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Rue des Bergers [BER] on 28/8/2014. Photo: © Mike Cunningham (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Vale Pond on 14/9/2013. Photo: © Anthony Loaring (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Hommet [HOM] on 3/6/2023. Photo: © Dave Carre (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Saumarez [FSA] on 4/9/2011. Photo: © Mark Guppy (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Chouet [CHO] on 29/4/2011. Photo: © Michelle Hooper (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Saumarez [FSA] on 31/5/2013. Photo: © Rod Ferbrache (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 15/5/2012. Photo: © Royston Carré (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Les Sages, TOR on 31/8/2012. Photo: © Anthony Loaring (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Lihou Headland [LCH] on 1/5/2012. Photo: © Mike Cunningham (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Select location on 3/5/2019. Photo: © Dave Carre (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 8/5/2017. Photo: © Rod Ferbrache (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Hommet [HOM] on 19/9/2014. Photo: © Royston Carré (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Marais Nord/Vale Marais [NOR] on 24/8/2011. Photo: © Vic Froome (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Rue des Bergers [BER] on 28/8/2014. Photo: © Royston Carré (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 15/5/2012. Photo: © Royston Carré (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] on 9/9/2015. Photo: © Rod Ferbrache (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 11/5/2012. Photo: © Rod Ferbrache (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 26/9/2013. Photo: © Karen Jehan (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Hommet on 10/5/2024. Photo: © Dave Carre (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Chouet [CHO] on 25/8/2021. Photo: © Dave Carre (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pine Forest, STM [PFS] on 12/5/2014. Photo: © Anthony Loaring (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at St Saviour's [SSV] on 26/8/2012. Photo: © Anthony Loaring (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Grands Marais/Pré on 6/5/2014. Photo: © Derek Bridel (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 3/9/2018. Photo: © Rod Ferbrache (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at St Peters Church [SP2] on 12/5/2012. Photo: © Mark Guppy (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Rue des Bergers [BER] on 28/8/2014. Photo: © Royston Carré (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 30/8/2010. Photo: © Mark Guppy (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 3/9/2018. Photo: © Rod Ferbrache (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 17/5/2014. Photo: © Rockdweller (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Rue des Bergers [BER] on 25/5/2021. Photo: © Dave Carre (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Hommet [HOM] on 19/9/2014. Photo: © Royston Carré (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Mount Row, SPP on 12/9/2009. Photo: © Mark Guppy (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 3/9/2018. Photo: © Rod Ferbrache (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Trinity [TRI] on 2/5/2012. Photo: © Michelle Hooper (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pulias [PUL] on 13/5/2012. Photo: © Cindy Carre (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] on 7/5/2016. Photo: © Julie Davis (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 15/5/2012. Photo: © Royston Carré (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Hommet [HOM] on 19/9/2014. Photo: © Royston Carré (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Saumarez Park on 15/9/2009. Photo: © Chris Bale (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Saumarez [FSA] on 31/5/2013. Photo: © Anthony Loaring (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 27/5/2010. Photo: © Mark Guppy (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Chouet [CHO] on 9/10/2022. Photo: © Rod Ferbrache (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Saumarez [FSA] on 9/5/2010. Photo: © Phil Alexander (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Shingle Bank [SHI] on 8/9/2010. Photo: © Chris Bale (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Hommet [HOM] on 19/9/2014. Photo: © Mike Cunningham (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Rue des Bergers [BER] on 28/8/2014. Photo: © Mike Cunningham (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Bordeaux [BOR] on 20/9/2014. Photo: © Rod Ferbrache (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Hommet [HOM] on 23/8/2016. Photo: © Mark Guppy (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Fort Hommet [HOM] on 19/9/2014. Photo: © Dan Scott (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher photographed at Chouet [CHO] on 30/9/2011. Photo: © Paul Bretel (visit site) |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm | 2/5/1993 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare | 10/5/1993 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm | 12/5/1993 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel | 13/5/1993 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare | 16/5/1993 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 18/5/1993 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 21/5/1993 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Heritage Walk | 20/6/1993 | 30/6/1993 | 2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Petit Bot | 9/7/1993 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir | 27/7/1993 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | King's Mills | 3/8/1993 | 15/8/1993 | 4 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir | 8/8/1993 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel | 25/8/1993 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Guet | 16/9/1993 | 17/9/1993 | 2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Torteval Church | 16/9/1993 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saints | 18/9/1993 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bouvée | 23/9/1993 | 8 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries | 25/9/1993 | 3+ | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 26/9/1993 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue Rocheuse | 3/10/1993 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 1/5/1994 | 3+ | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir | 9/5/1994 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 22/5/1994 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 29/5/1994 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Guet | 1/6/1994 | 30/6/1994 | 2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Talbot Valley | 11/6/1994 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir | 9/7/1994 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Silbe | 29/7/1994 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 14/8/1994 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 15/8/1994 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 19/8/1994 | 12 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 20/8/1994 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 11/9/1994 | 4+ | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Delancey Park | 14/9/1994 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | St Saviour's Church | 18/9/1994 | 19/9/1994 | 1 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Talbot Valley | 20/9/1994 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 23/9/1994 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel | 25/9/1994 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Guet | 5/10/1994 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Guet | 11/10/1994 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Sous L'Eglise | 20/5/1995 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Les Vicheris | 21/5/1995 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 28/5/1995 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 29/5/1995 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 11/6/1995 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 23/6/1995 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Les Hures | 1/7/1995 | 31/7/1995 | 2-4 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir | 11/8/1995 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vale Pond | 11/8/1995 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mont Saint | 15/8/1995 | 17/8/1995 | 2+ |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 20/8/1995 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vale Pond | 2/9/1995 | 25/9/1995 | 1-2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Guet | 4/9/1995 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Silbe | 9/9/1995 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Sous L'Eglise | 13/9/1995 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bouvée | 1/10/1995 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 26/4/1996 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 28/4/1996 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Cobo | 6/5/1996 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Paradis | 10/5/1996 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Corbiere | 26/5/1996 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Island Wide | 26/5/1996 | 1+ | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 2/6/1996 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 9/6/1996 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 13/6/1996 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 17/6/1996 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Foulon | 17/6/1996 | 1-2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir | 28/7/1996 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 26/8/1996 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 1/9/1996 | 22/9/1996 | 1-2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Le Crocq | 20/9/1996 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Icart | 22/9/1996 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet | 23/9/1996 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Cobo | 26/9/1996 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries | 29/9/1996 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 19/4/1997 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 3/5/1997 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Island Wide | 4/5/1997 | 31/5/1997 | 1-2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 4/5/1997 | 31/5/1997 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Marais Nord/Vale Marais | 4/5/1997 | 31/5/1997 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 4/5/1997 | 31/5/1997 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 4/5/1997 | 31/5/1997 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel | 4/5/1997 | 31/5/1997 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Guet | 6/6/1997 | 16/6/1997 | 1 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 8/6/1997 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 5/7/1997 | 7/7/1997 | 1 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Talbot Valley | 27/7/1997 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Cambridge Park | 8/8/1997 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 10/8/1997 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 15/8/1997 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 22/8/1997 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 25/8/1997 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pulias | 31/8/1997 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 6/9/1997 | 7/9/1997 | 2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm | 10/9/1997 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bon Port | 19/9/1997 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bouvée | 19/9/1997 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 18/10/1997 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 1/4/1998 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Heritage Walk | 23/4/1998 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir | 23/4/1998 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 27/4/1998 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Island Wide | 4/5/1998 | 24/5/1998 | 1-2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Corbiere | 4/5/1998 | 24/5/1998 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 4/5/1998 | 24/5/1998 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Heritage Walk | 4/5/1998 | 24/5/1998 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Guet | 4/5/1998 | 24/5/1998 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 4/5/1998 | 24/5/1998 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Prevoté | 4/5/1998 | 24/5/1998 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 4/5/1998 | 24/5/1998 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Silbe | 4/5/1998 | 24/5/1998 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Talbot Valley | 4/5/1998 | 24/5/1998 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel | 16/5/1998 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 1/6/1998 | 26/6/1998 | 2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 5/6/1998 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Beau Sejour | 24/7/1998 | 25/7/1998 | 1 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 3/8/1998 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir | 25/8/1998 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 28/8/1998 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Cambridge Park | 29/8/1998 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue du Tertre, STA | 2/9/1998 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 12/9/1998 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm | 19/9/1998 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 20/9/1998 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 21/9/1998 | 29/9/1998 | 1-2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 1/10/1998 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Guet | 1/10/1998 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Portelet | 1/10/1998 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 2/10/1998 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir | 3/10/1998 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel | 8/5/1999 | 9/5/1999 | 1-2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Jerbourg | 16/5/1999 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir | 18/5/1999 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 23/5/1999 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm | 27/5/1999 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 7/7/1999 | 5-7 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Gouffre | 17/7/1999 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 18/7/1999 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Doyle | 4/8/1999 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet | 8/8/1999 | 9/8/1999 | 4 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Island Wide | 22/8/1999 | 30/8/1999 | 1-2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 22/8/1999 | 30/8/1999 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 22/8/1999 | 30/8/1999 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vale Pond | 22/8/1999 | 30/8/1999 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 4/9/1999 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 12/9/1999 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 14/9/1999 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 17/9/1999 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 9/10/1999 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries | 7/4/2000 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 16/4/2000 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Island Wide | 4/5/2000 | 30/5/2000 | 1-2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel | 4/5/2000 | 30/5/2000 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Petit Bot | 4/5/2000 | 30/5/2000 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Cambridge Park | 4/5/2000 | 30/5/2000 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 4/5/2000 | 30/5/2000 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 4/5/2000 | 30/5/2000 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 4/5/2000 | 30/5/2000 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Track Marais | 4/5/2000 | 30/5/2000 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 2/6/2000 | 2/6/2000 | 1-2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Beau Sejour | 3/6/2000 | 5/6/2000 | 1-2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries | 24/6/2000 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Heritage Walk | 17/7/2000 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Island Wide | 6/8/2000 | 30/8/2000 | 1-3 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Albecq | 6/8/2000 | 30/8/2000 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fermain | 6/8/2000 | 30/8/2000 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 6/8/2000 | 30/8/2000 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Jaonneuse | 6/8/2000 | 30/8/2000 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 6/8/2000 | 30/8/2000 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity | 6/8/2000 | 30/8/2000 | P |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries | 25/8/2000 | 6 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm | 31/8/2000 | 8 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 4/9/2000 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 9/9/2000 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 10/9/2000 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Village de Putron, SPP | 13/9/2000 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel | 25/9/2000 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rousse | 29/9/2000 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bigard | 30/9/2000 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Bergers N.R. | 1/10/2000 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Les Paas. SPW | 2/10/2000 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 2/5/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet | 3/5/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare | 5/5/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare | 5/5/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island | 13/5/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 18/5/2002 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island | 22/5/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 23/5/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 24/5/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island | 28/5/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Jethou | 31/5/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries | 8/6/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel | 13/6/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island | 14/6/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 19/6/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 23/6/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 5/7/2002 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Dell Nursery | 14/7/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 19/7/2002 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 26/7/2002 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm | 2/8/2002 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 16/8/2002 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Unknown | 18/8/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 19/8/2002 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity | 19/8/2002 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets | 19/8/2002 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Richmond | 19/8/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Guet | 19/8/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel | 19/8/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Claire Mare | 21/8/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity | 25/8/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Sausmarez Manor | 27/8/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grange, SPP | 2/9/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island | 4/9/2002 | 5/9/2002 | 1 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 8/9/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 8/9/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 8/9/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Island Wide | 12/9/2002 | 8 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 13/9/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 13/9/2002 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Heritage Walk | 14/9/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 15/9/2002 | 2+ | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 15/9/2002 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 15/9/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 15/9/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 15/9/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 15/9/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel | 16/9/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 19/9/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 21/9/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 25/9/2002 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Bergers N.R. | 25/9/2002 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 2/5/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | L'Ancresse | 2/5/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity | 2/5/2003 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets | 4/5/2003 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 4/5/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Gouffre | 25/5/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries | 26/5/2003 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 27/5/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island | 27/5/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm | 20/6/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel | 11/7/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 20/7/2003 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Foulon | 27/7/2003 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Foulon | 3/8/2003 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 8/8/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Claire Mare | 15/8/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 23/8/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 24/8/2003 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries | 24/8/2003 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 24/8/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 24/8/2003 | 7+ | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 24/8/2003 | 4+ | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 25/8/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm | 3/9/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 4/9/2003 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm | 5/9/2003 | 8 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland | 5/9/2003 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm | 5/9/2003 | 7 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare | 11/9/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 12/9/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 12/9/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island | 14/9/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 14/9/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries | 21/9/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare | 2/10/2003 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pré | 30/4/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | L'Eree | 1/5/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet | 2/5/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet | 12/5/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir | 13/5/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Foulon | 6/6/2004 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets | 6/6/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 11/6/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Foulon | 13/6/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 21/6/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Heritage Walk | 21/6/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Doyle | 6/7/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Petit Bot | 11/7/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Foulon | 18/7/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | La Vassalerie, STA | 6/8/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity | 13/8/2004 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 22/8/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Talbot Valley | 29/8/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | La Passee | 1/9/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island | 1/9/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Variouf, FST | 8/9/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet | 9/9/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 10/9/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 10/9/2004 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity | 12/9/2004 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries | 12/9/2004 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 19/9/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Jerbourg | 29/9/2004 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 8/5/2005 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 8/5/2005 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 8/5/2005 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vale Pond | 9/5/2005 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm | 10/5/2005 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | La Passee | 12/5/2005 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet | 13/5/2005 | 15/5/2005 | 1 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 15/5/2005 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 15/5/2005 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Claire Mare | 15/5/2005 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | L'Eree | 25/5/2005 | P | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 16/6/2005 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 26/6/2005 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 10/7/2005 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley | 15/7/2005 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Guet | 17/7/2005 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity | 19/8/2005 | 20/8/2005 | 1 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity | 2/9/2005 | 1-2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries | 4/9/2005 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Doyle | 10/9/2005 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rousse | 14/9/2005 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park | 16/9/2005 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets | 25/9/2005 | 2-3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet | 15/5/2006 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 4/6/2006 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pulias | 9/9/2006 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 9/9/2006 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue du Closel, VAL | 9/9/2006 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 10/9/2006 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue du Closel, VAL | 10/9/2006 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vale Pond | 15/9/2006 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Bergers N.R. | 15/9/2006 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue du Closel, VAL | 16/9/2006 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries | 23/9/2006 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 23/9/2006 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm | 26/9/2006 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets | 3/10/2006 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez | 4/10/2006 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 20/5/2007 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 22/5/2007 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity | 22/5/2007 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 25/5/2007 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 1/6/2007 | 2-3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue du Closel, VAL | 10/6/2007 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island | 18/6/2007 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Bergers N.R. | 1/9/2007 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Silbe | 4/9/2007 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island | 5/9/2007 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm | 6/9/2007 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 8/9/2007 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pulias | 9/9/2007 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 15/9/2007 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet | 16/9/2007 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 18/9/2007 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont | 23/9/2007 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets | 28/9/2007 | 2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Claire Mare [CLA] | 15/5/2009 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley [FAU] | 12/8/2009 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Silbe [SIL] | 15/9/2009 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 19/4/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 7/5/2010 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 8/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | L'Eree [LER] | 9/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 9/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 10/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 10/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 13/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 15/5/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Talbot Valley [TAL] | 15/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 18/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez [FSA] | 21/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Marais Nord/Vale Marais [NOR] | 21/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez [FSA] | 22/5/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 23/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | L'Eree [LER] | 23/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm [HER] | 24/5/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 24/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez [FSA] | 27/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 27/5/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley [FAU] | 6/6/2010 | 19/6/2010 | 1 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Route de Houget, SSV [H05] | 6/6/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley [FAU] | 19/6/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mt. Herault [MHE] | 16/8/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Petit Bot [BOT] | 19/8/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 20/8/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Les Effards, STS [EFF] | 28/8/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Jerbourg [JER] | 30/8/2010 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 30/8/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Jerbourg [JER] | 1/9/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Sausmarez Manor [SAM] | 3/9/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 3/9/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | leree headland | 4/9/2010 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island [LIH] | 6/9/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | L'Eree Headland | 7/9/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez [FSA] | 8/9/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel [MON] | 8/9/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 8/9/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 9/9/2010 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Heritage Walk [HEW] | 12/9/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Seigneurie grounds, Sark | 21/9/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | near Duck Pond, Sark | 21/9/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 26/9/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 30/9/2010 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel [MON] | 30/9/2010 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 3/10/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Heritage Walk [HEW] | 4/10/2010 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 9/10/2010 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 23/4/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 8/5/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet [CHO] | 8/5/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet [CHO] | 8/5/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 8/5/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley [FAU] | 9/5/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 9/5/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley [FAU] | 12/5/2011 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 15/5/2011 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney [ALD] | 17/5/2011 | 19/5/2011 | 28 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 18/5/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Jethou [JET] | 21/5/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | rue de chiens | 22/5/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mont d'Aval | 31/5/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 5/8/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mont d'Aval | 6/8/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Morts, St Andrew's | 8/8/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 18/8/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 18/8/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 19/8/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 19/8/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 21/8/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 23/8/2011 | c.6 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 23/8/2011 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 23/8/2011 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Marais Nord/Vale Marais [NOR] | 24/8/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Silbe [SIL] | 27/8/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 29/8/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island [LIH] | 1/9/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island [LIH] | 1/9/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mont Marche, Forest | 2/9/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Route Des Sous L'Eglise | 2/9/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 2/9/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 4/9/2011 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE]camping field. | 4/9/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez [FSA] | 4/9/2011 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez [FSA] | 4/9/2011 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 4/9/2011 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 24/9/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 29/9/2011 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 1/10/2011 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 2/10/2011 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet [CHO] | 29/4/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet [CHO] | 29/4/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 30/4/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet [CHO] | 30/4/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 30/4/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 1/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 1/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 1/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | St Peters Church [SP2] | 1/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 1/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 2/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 2/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 2/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mont Marche | 3/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 3/5/2012 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 3/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Petit Bot [BOT] | 4/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney [ALD] | 5/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Airport area, Alderney [ALD] | 6/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrack-masters Lane, Alderney [ALD] | 6/5/2012 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis sewage treatment, Alderney [ALD] | 6/5/2012 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Impot, Alderney [ALD] | 6/5/2012 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | St Peters Church [SP2] | 6/5/2012 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 6/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 6/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 6/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 6/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir [RES] | 6/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 6/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 6/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm [HER] | 6/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 7/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | St Peters Church [SP2] | 7/5/2012 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 7/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rousse [ROU] | 8/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Moulin Huet [MOU] | 9/5/2012 | 2+ | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 10/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mont d'Aval | 10/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm [HER] | 11/5/2012 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 11/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 11/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 11/5/2012 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir [RES] | 11/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 12/5/2012 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | St Peters Church [SP2] | 12/5/2012 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 12/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Silbe [SIL] | 12/5/2012 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 13/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel [MON] | 13/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pulias [PUL] | 13/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez [FSA] | 13/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 26/5/2012 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 26/5/2012 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 26/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Marais Nord/Vale Marais [NOR] | 26/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 26/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 26/5/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 26/5/2012 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 1/6/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 19/8/2012 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 20/8/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare [GMA] | 20/8/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez [FSA] | 20/8/2012 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 29/8/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Marais Nord/Vale Marais [NOR] | 2/9/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 4/9/2012 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 5/9/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 7/9/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Hougues, STA [H04] | 8/9/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Hougues, STA [H04] | 9/9/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Torteval [TOR] | 19/9/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 20/9/2012 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Claire Mare [CLA] | 24/9/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mont Marche | 27/9/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Candie, STA [CA2] | 29/9/2012 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 29/9/2012 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 20/4/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 20/4/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 26/4/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 16/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley [FAU] | 17/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley [FAU] | 17/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley [FAU] | 18/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Marais Nord/Vale Marais [NOR] | 18/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Marais Nord/Vale Marais [NOR] | 18/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Marais Nord/Vale Marais [NOR] | 18/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mont d'Aval | 18/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Talbot Valley [TAL] | 27/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare [GMA] | 28/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vale Pond [VAL] | 29/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare [GMA] | 29/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vale Pond [VAL] | 30/5/2013 | 30/5/2013 | 1 |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vale Pond [VAL] | 30/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 31/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez [FSA] | 31/5/2013 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 31/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 31/5/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez [FSA] | 31/5/2013 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 1/6/2013 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 2/6/2013 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 2/6/2013 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 2/6/2013 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 25/8/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 27/8/2013 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bordeaux [BOR] | 1/9/2013 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Torteval Church | 6/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mont Marche | 6/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Miellette [MIE] | 6/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Les Fontenelles, Forest | 7/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mont Marche | 7/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Brecqhou | 7/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Courtil de Bas, STS [CO1] | 10/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare [GMA] | 10/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | by Showground | 14/9/2013 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vale Pond [VAL] | 14/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vale Pond [VAL] | 14/9/2013 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 15/9/2013 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 15/9/2013 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 15/9/2013 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 19/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bigard [BIG] | 19/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pulias [PUL] | 19/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Les Fontenelles, Forest | 20/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 20/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 22/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Prevote [PRV] | 24/9/2013 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 26/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 27/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 29/9/2013 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 29/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 30/9/2013 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 30/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Le Crocq [FLC] | 30/9/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Le Crocq [FLC] | 1/10/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 6/10/2013 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 30/4/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 30/4/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 8/5/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pine Forest, STM [PFS] | 11/5/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pine Forest, STM [PFS] | 12/5/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pine Forest, STM [PFS] | 12/5/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pine Forest, STM [PFS] | 12/5/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 14/5/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 17/5/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir [RES] | 17/5/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 19/5/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 19/5/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet [CHO] | 19/5/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 20/5/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Route de Plaisance | 22/5/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 31/5/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 31/5/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 16/8/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 19/8/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 23/8/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 23/8/2014 | 1-2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 23/8/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 24/8/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 24/8/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Le Crocq [FLC] | 24/8/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grand Pre | 24/8/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 24/8/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 26/8/2014 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 26/8/2014 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 27/8/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fields along Rue des Bergers | 28/8/2014 | 7+ | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 30/8/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 31/8/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Icart [ICA] | 31/8/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 31/8/2014 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 3/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 3/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 3/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 3/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Paradis [PAR] | 6/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 6/9/2014 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 6/9/2014 | 3+ | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 7/9/2014 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 7/9/2014 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 7/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel [MON] | 7/9/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 7/9/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 7/9/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 7/9/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 7/9/2014 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm [HER] | 7/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 7/9/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bordeaux [BOR] | 9/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare [GMA] | 10/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Creux Mahie, TOR [CRX] | 14/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 16/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 16/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 17/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 17/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 18/9/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 18/9/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 18/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 18/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 19/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm [HER] | 19/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel [MON] | 19/9/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel [MON] | 19/9/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bordeaux [BOR] | 20/9/2014 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Hougues, STA [H04] | 21/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 22/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm [HER] | 22/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm [HER] | 22/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Prevote [PRV] | 27/9/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney [ALD] | 11/10/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 16/11/2014 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney [ALD] | 23/4/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Delancey Park [DEP] | 8/5/2015 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Delancey Park [DEP] | 8/5/2015 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 8/5/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Ivy Castle / Chateau des Marais | 12/5/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mare de Carteret [MDC] | 12/5/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Hougues, STA [H04] | 30/5/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 1/6/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare [GMA] | 1/6/2015 | 2-3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney [ALD]Nunnery | 20/6/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | La Vassalerie, STA [VAS] | 9/8/2015 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 12/8/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 13/8/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 14/8/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 14/8/2015 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 23/8/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 24/8/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 27/8/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 2/9/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 2/9/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Jerbourg [JER] | 6/9/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm [HER] | 7/9/2015 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm [HER] | 7/9/2015 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 7/9/2015 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 9/9/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 9/9/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 9/9/2015 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Hougues, STA [H04] | 10/9/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 12/9/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 16/9/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Silbe [SIL] | 19/9/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Les Grantez, CAT [LGZ] | 19/9/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 30/9/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 2/10/2015 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm [HER] | 2/10/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrack Master's Lane | 3/10/2015 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 22/4/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 22/4/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 22/4/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 23/4/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 23/4/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 24/4/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 24/4/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 3/5/2016 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rousse [ROU] | 4/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm [HER] | 6/5/2016 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island [LIH] | 6/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vale Pond [VAL] | 6/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 6/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 7/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 7/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 7/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Sous L'Eglise [SOU] | 7/5/2016 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet [CHO] | 7/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 7/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Houmet Headland | 8/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Houmet Jerbe, CAT | 8/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bigard [BIG] | 12/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bigard [BIG] | 12/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Clonque Bay | 14/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 15/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 15/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Petit Bot [BOT] | 18/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 20/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 29/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 29/5/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 15/8/2016 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rousse [ROU] | 17/8/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 23/8/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 23/8/2016 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Le Marchant [MAR] | 23/8/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mt. Herault [MHE] | 24/8/2016 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 24/8/2016 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Jerbourg [JER] | 24/8/2016 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 25/8/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue du Courtil Ronchin | 25/8/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 27/8/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 27/8/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Ivy Castle / Chateau des Marais | 29/8/2016 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Hougues, STA [H04] | 14/9/2016 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare [GMA] | 18/9/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel [MON] | 25/9/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel [MON] | 28/9/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 3/10/2016 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 26/4/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 26/4/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 3/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 3/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 5/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 5/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 5/5/2017 | 1-2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 5/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Vauquiedor | 7/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 8/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 8/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 8/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 8/5/2017 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 10/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 10/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 10/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 10/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Telegraph Tower, Alderney | 10/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 11/5/2017 | 7 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pulias [PUL] | 11/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Guet [GUE] | 11/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 11/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 11/5/2017 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Telegraph Tower, Alderney | 11/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 11/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 12/5/2017 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 12/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 13/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney golf course | 13/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 15/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 15/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 16/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 16/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Pond | 18/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm [HER] | 22/5/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 21/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez [FSA] | 22/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 22/8/2017 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Valongis | 22/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Pond | 22/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | St Anne | 22/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de la Ronde Cheminee | 28/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bordeaux [BOR] | 29/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney Airport | 29/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Les Grantez, CAT [LGZ] | 29/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney Airport | 29/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney Airport | 30/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney Airport | 30/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bordeaux [BOR] | 31/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Essex Farm | 31/8/2017 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 31/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rose Farm, Alderney | 31/8/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Essex Farm | 31/8/2017 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 1/9/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Essex Farm | 6/9/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare [GMA] | 9/9/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel [MON] | 9/9/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mourants Road, St Andrews | 10/9/2017 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Essex Farm | 12/9/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | St Anne, Alderney | 14/9/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 18/9/2017 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm [HER] | 18/9/2017 | 18/9/2017 | 2 |
Spotted Flycatcher | St Anne, Alderney | 25/9/2017 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Pond | 25/9/2017 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 26/9/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rose Farm, Alderney | 27/9/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 30/9/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 30/9/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 2/10/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 2/10/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Essex Farm | 3/10/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Essex Farm | 3/10/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 5/10/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 5/10/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 13/10/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 13/10/2017 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] nature trail. | 19/4/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rose Farm, Alderney | 27/4/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rose Farm, Alderney | 28/4/2018 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rose Farm, Alderney | 28/4/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rose Farm, Alderney | 28/4/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Park [SAU] | 29/4/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 29/4/2018 | 11 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 29/4/2018 | 10 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster Lane [ALD]i | 29/4/2018 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 29/4/2018 | c.10 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Colin Best NR [CNR] | 19/5/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 21/5/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 21/5/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 24/5/2018 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 25/5/2018 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | St Peters Church [SP2] | 25/5/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 25/5/2018 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common | 27/5/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 27/5/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 27/5/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island [LIH] | 27/5/2018 | P | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 27/5/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 27/5/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 28/5/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 28/5/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 28/5/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Corbletts Quarry, Alderney | 30/5/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 31/5/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Gouffre [GOU] | 3/6/2018 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 1/8/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 5/8/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Pond | 13/8/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 22/8/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 22/8/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mannez Quarry | 28/8/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 29/8/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Pond | 30/8/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 2/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common | 3/9/2018 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 3/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 3/9/2018 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 3/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 4/9/2018 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Le Marchant [MAR] | 4/9/2018 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Le Marchant [MAR] | 4/9/2018 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Pond | 4/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 4/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Essex Farm | 4/9/2018 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 4/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 5/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 8/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Hougues, CAT [HO3] | 8/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 11/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Sous les Jardins, Castel | 13/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 13/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 13/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Essex Farm | 13/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 14/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | St Anne's allotments, Alderney | 15/9/2018 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Talbot Valley [TAL] | 18/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | La Grande Rue SM | 26/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island [LIH] | 27/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 29/9/2018 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | South Coast Cliffs, Alderney | 19/4/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 24/4/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 2/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue Tonnelle | 3/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue Tonnelle | 3/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue Tonnelle [St Martin] | 3/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue Tonnelle [green lane] [St Martin] | 3/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | la Tonelle St Martins | 3/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue Tonnelle (St Martins) | 3/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue Tonnelle | 4/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue Tonnelle | 4/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Camp du Roi [CDR] | 4/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 4/5/2019 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 6/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 9/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 10/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 10/5/2019 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 11/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 12/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rose Farm, Alderney | 12/5/2019 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rose Farm, Alderney | 12/5/2019 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Gouffre [GOU] | 13/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 13/5/2019 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 14/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 14/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir [RES] | 14/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 14/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rose Farm, Alderney | 14/5/2019 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 14/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 15/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 15/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 15/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 16/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 17/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 17/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 17/5/2019 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 18/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 18/5/2019 | 6 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Clonque Bay | 18/5/2019 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 19/5/2019 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Val de la Bonne Terre | 20/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 20/5/2019 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 22/5/2019 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 22/5/2019 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 24/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 25/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 25/5/2019 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 28/5/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Longis Common - ABO Daily Census | 31/5/2019 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney golf course | 1/6/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bordeaux [BOR] | 22/8/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 25/8/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 26/8/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 26/8/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 27/8/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 10/9/2019 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 14/9/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Corbiere [COR] | 14/9/2019 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 20/9/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | St Peters Church [SP2] | 21/9/2019 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel [MON] | 21/9/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 3/10/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mount Row, SPP [MOS] | 15/10/2019 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island [LIH] | 5/5/2020 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 6/5/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island [LIH] | 6/5/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Saumarez [FSA] | 6/5/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 6/5/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 8/5/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 8/5/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 9/5/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fauxquets Valley [FAU] | 10/5/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 15/5/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel [MON] | 19/5/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 20/5/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 22/5/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Trinity [TRI] | 25/5/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 25/5/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Hommet | 11/8/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Corbiere [COR] | 15/8/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 16/8/2020 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 16/8/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 16/8/2020 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 16/8/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 16/8/2020 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 16/8/2020 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 19/8/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 19/8/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 19/8/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 19/8/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 20/8/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Herm [HER] | 2/9/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 10/9/2020 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 16/9/2020 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney golf course | 28/4/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | [ALD] | 7/5/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 8/5/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | L’Ancresse | 8/5/2021 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 8/5/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Les Hures | 8/5/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | L'Ancresse Golf Range | 8/5/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 8/5/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel [MON] | 8/5/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney golf course | 15/5/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 15/5/2021 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pre d'Enfer | 24/5/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 24/5/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 25/5/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 25/5/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pre d'Enfer | 25/5/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet [CHO] | 25/8/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet [CHO] | 25/8/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet [CHO] | 26/8/2021 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Reservoir [RES] | 28/8/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rousse [ROU] | 31/8/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mont d'Aval | 4/9/2021 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pulias [PUL] | 5/9/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pulias [PUL] | 5/9/2021 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | L'Eree [LER] | 5/9/2021 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pulias [PUL] | 5/9/2021 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | L'Eree [LER] | 5/9/2021 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 5/9/2021 | 15 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Les Grantez, CAT [LGZ] | 6/9/2021 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bordeaux [BOR] | 6/9/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 7/9/2021 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Headland [LCH] | 7/9/2021 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 7/9/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 7/9/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vale Douzaine, Maraitaine Road | 7/9/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 8/9/2021 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 8/9/2021 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pulias [PUL] | 8/9/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 9/9/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 9/9/2021 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 12/9/2021 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet [CHO] | 14/9/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 15/9/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 15/9/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 25/9/2021 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 1/10/2021 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Burhou [BUR] | 8/10/2021 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Sark [SAK] | 14/5/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 14/5/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Essex Farm | 16/5/2022 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Jerbourg [JER] | 25/8/2022 | 1+ | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Icart [ICA] | 25/8/2022 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Portelet [PET] | 25/8/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 28/8/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 28/8/2022 | 6 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 28/8/2022 | 3+ | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 28/8/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 28/8/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 29/8/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney Community Woodland | 29/8/2022 | 5 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 29/8/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Val de la Bonne Terre | 30/8/2022 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 30/8/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Alderney Airport | 11/9/2022 | 4 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 12/9/2022 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 12/9/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vale Pond [VAL] | 14/9/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | St Anne's allotments, Alderney | 16/9/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Icart [ICA] | 16/9/2022 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | St Anne | 19/9/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 3/10/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Chouet [CHO] | 9/10/2022 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rose Farm, Alderney | 22/4/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rose Farm, Alderney | 22/4/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rose Farm, Alderney | 22/4/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] | 18/5/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Silbe [SIL] | 21/5/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Lihou Island [LIH] | 22/5/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 23/5/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Vaux de Monel [MON] | 23/5/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Grande Mare [GMA] | 23/5/2023 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bordes, SSV [BOD] | 23/5/2023 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 3/6/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 3/6/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mont d'Aval | 29/8/2023 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue des Bergers [BER] | 29/8/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Mont d'Aval | 30/8/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Les Picques, SSV [PIC] | 1/9/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | The Bowl [BOL] | 6/9/2023 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 7/9/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 7/9/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 16/9/2023 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Guet [GUE] | 22/9/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pezeries [PEZ] | 27/9/2023 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Rue de Valniquets [RDV] | 1/10/2023 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 26/4/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 26/4/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Barrackmaster's Lane | 26/4/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Le Genet | 30/4/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 10/5/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 10/5/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 10/5/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 10/5/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 10/5/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 11/5/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 11/5/2024 | 3 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 11/5/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 11/5/2024 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Saumarez Nature Trail | 11/5/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 11/5/2024 | 2 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Pleinmont [PLE] | 14/5/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Bordeaux | 24/5/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 25/5/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 2/9/2024 | 1 | |
Spotted Flycatcher | Fort Hommet [HOM] | 9/9/2024 | 1 |