Breeding status
First Record
Last Recorded

Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria

Barred Warbler photographed at Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] on 1/11/2021. Photo: © Albert Harvey
  Barred Warbler photographed at Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] on 1/11/2021 Photo: © Albert Harvey (visit site)

This large and robust Sylvia warbler breeds throughout eastern Europe and across much of temperate Asia. Lately it has declined in some areas, due to habitat loss because of intensified agriculture. Barred Warblers are strongly migratory moving to eastern Africa in winter. It is regular on passage as far west as Great Britain but has been surprisingly scarce in the Channel Islands.

The first island record was from Corbiere on 15 October 1987 and this was swiftly followed up by another records the following year on 13 October 1988. Another nine years elapsed before the next record at Icart on 19 October 1997 and a further seven years until the fourth record on 18 October 2004. The fifth record is probably most remarkable in terms of its finding as it was found dead in a shed by K. Stevens in early November 2005.

View all photos (3)
Barred Warbler photographed at Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] on 1/11/2021. Photo: © Albert Harvey
Barred Warbler photographed at Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] on 1/11/2021. Photo: © Albert Harvey (visit site)

Barred Warbler photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 18/10/2004. Photo: © Bob Murphy
Barred Warbler photographed at Pleinmont [PLE] on 18/10/2004. Photo: © Bob Murphy (visit site)

Barred Warbler photographed at Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] on 1/11/2021. Photo: © Albert Harvey
Barred Warbler photographed at Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] on 1/11/2021. Photo: © Albert Harvey (visit site)

View database records (16)
Barred Warbler Icart 19/10/1997 1
Barred Warbler Pleinmont 18/10/2004 1
Barred Warbler Pleinmont [PLE] 29/8/2011 1
Barred Warbler Icart [ICA] 8/9/2012 1
Barred Warbler Icart [ICA] 8/9/2012 1
Barred Warbler Bordeaux [BOR] 9/9/2014 1
Barred Warbler Bordeaux [BOR] 10/9/2014 1
Barred Warbler Herm [HER] 22/9/2014 1
Barred Warbler Herm [HER] 22/9/2014 1
Barred Warbler Herm [HER] 7/9/2015 1
Barred Warbler Herm [HER] 7/9/2015 1
Barred Warbler Bordeaux [BOR] 9/10/2016 1
Barred Warbler Scramble Track [SCR] 7/9/2018 1
Barred Warbler Scramble Track [SCR] 7/9/2018 1
Barred Warbler ruette val de haut st p 26/8/2019 1
Barred Warbler Grands Marais/Pre [PRE] 1/11/2021 1